School Uniform
Information for Parents
- Parents and carers can obtain the uniform, from Crested School Wear in Cannock (, who provide branded items or any other retailer of non-branded school uniform.
- West Hill has its own Pre-loved uniform shop which opens weekly. Clean preloved uniform is available for all parents to swop with uniform which is no longer required or bought with a voluntary contribution. We are open every Wednesday from 3pm until 4pm.
- Bring in your outgrown items to swap or purchase required items for a small donation. Lost property will also be available from the shop during these hours.
- The link below will also allow you to order items direct from the shop. These items, if available, will be put into your child's bag discreetly.
Please click on the link below and complete the attached form and if we have uniform available in the sizes you require we shall discreetly put the item into your child's bag. We will keep your request until we have been able to provide you with the item required.
Uniform Swap Shop Request Form
Our school’s uniform:
Children are expected to wear
- A black/grey skirt or trousers
- A white shirt
- A school tie
- A blue jumper or cardigan
- Sensible black shoes.
- Children should not attend school wearing nail polish or jewellery (with the exception of stud earrings and a standard watch).
PE kit:
Children will need kit appropriate to all weather types.
- plimsoles or trainers
- jogging bottoms
- shorts,
- A house-coloured t-shirt
- A jumper.
Children should come to school in their P.E kits and remain in them for the entire of the day on P.E days. Children with shoulder length hair or longer will be asked to tie their hair up.
Earrings are required to be removed PE.
Children may also require a waterproof coat and a bag to bring their lunch, home learning activities and reading diaries in.