West Hill Primary School

Respect, Learn, Achieve

  • The Uniform swap shop will be open today, tomorrow and Thursday from 3.15 until 4pm. 
  • Don't forget, lost property is available to be viewed in the uniform shop. Lost property that has not been collected by Thursday at 4pm will be gratefully received and donated back into the school uniform swap shop. Thank you for your continued support.
  • Please remember to check our Class Dojo (school story) and our website regularly for details of many events planned over the coming weeks...


Miss K Bracebridge
Executive Headteacher

West Hill Primary School values all achievements as being an important part of personal ambitions. Our team of  dedicated educators are called upon to develop confident, resilient and enthusiastic youngsters who aim high and who are ready to influence the world. ' Together - we respect, we learn, we achieve.' We offer an exciting and varied range of extra-curricular opportunities in balance with a broad and enriching curriculum.

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They Say...

  • "On the playground, activities are planned with deliberate care so that pupils learn how to interact in constructive ways." Ofsted 2024
  • Informative and welcoming! Caring towards academic welfare... Parent's Evening Oct 2023
  • " Play leaders and well being champs are on hand to make sure no one is left out. This
    helps to make the school a friendly place where everyone feels valued.."
    Ofsted 2024
  • I was pleased with the whole evening. Reading my child's books to see where they are at, talking one-to-one with the teacher and not feeling rushed. Overall very pleased! Parent's Evening Oct 2023

  • Good communication from Parents to Teacher. My son enjoys school and his teacher! Parent's Evening Oct 2023