West Hill Primary School

Our Curriculum

 A Unique Child + Positive Relationships + Enabling Environments = Learning and Development.

Our Aims ‘To provide a happy, friendly environment and to offer a varied curriculum covering the seven areas of learning’. Children will have access to a wide range of resources and be cared for within a community of dedicated Professionals working alongside you - parents as partners.

Curriculum Overview for Parents - Big Wide World

 Pre-School Year Curriculum Overview     

Main Topic                                                                                       Mini Projects

Autumn 1  Autumn 1
Me and My community  Exploring Autumn
Autumn 2  Autumn 2
Starry Night  Winter Wonderland
Spring 1  Spring 1
Once upon time Sparkle and Shine
Spring 2  Spring 2
Dangerous Dinosaurs  Puddles and Rainbows
Summer 1 Summer 1
Sunshine and Sunflowers  Shadows and Reflection
Summer 2 Summer 2
Big Wide World  Splash

         The Mini projects enhance and support children’s next steps. These can be accessed to enhance children’s learning experiences and support individual interests.