West Hill Primary School

  Welcome to Bumblebees Class 


Here is a list of current practitioners in the room: 

Mrs Marston – Pre-School Manager & Mathematics lead. Miss Preece- Early Years Practitioner & Physical Development Lead

In our classroom we have children aged between 3 and 4 who are able to focus on all 7 areas of learning through both adult led activities and child initiated learning. The children are working towards becoming independent, happy and secure within their environment and learning.

All staff are available at the start and end of children’s session to talk to and discuss any requirements.  

Curriculum Overview for Parents - Big Wide World

In Bumblebees Class

We have a personalised learning approach which is developed through the 7 areas of development being accessible for children in both the inside and outdoor environment. The seven areas of development are as follows:

There are three prime areas: Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional development. These are strengthened through:

-Understanding the World
-Expressive Arts and Design

The statements for these are accessible to all parents on:

Foundation Stage - Development Matters 

 Our Daily Routine

8:45-9am – Meet and greet children and their families – wake up shake up

9am-9:15 - Family group and well-being check

9:15-10.10am- Continuous provision indoors/outdoors

10.10-10.20 - Tidy up music

10.20-10.30 – Maths

10.30-10.45 Play time Mrs Marston Group and Miss Haynes Group and Snack time Miss Preece and Miss Pearce

10.45-11.00 Play time Miss Preece Group and Miss Pearce Group and Snack time Mrs Marston and Miss Haynes

11.00-11.15 – Monster Phonics

11.15 – 11.30 -Story and Book talk.

11.30-11.35 – Children to prepare for home time and goodbyes

11.35-11.45 – Nursery Rhymes – child choice

 11.45-12.30 – Lunch time

12.30-12.45pm – Meet and greet children and their families – wake up shake up

12.45-1.00pm - Family group and well-being check

1.00-2.00pm- Continuous provision indoors/outdoors

2.00-2.10 - Tidy up music

2.10-2.20 – Maths

2.20-2.35 Play time Mrs Marston Group and Miss Haynes Group and Snack time Miss Preece and Miss Pearce

2.35-2.50 Play time Miss Preece Group and Miss Pearce Group and Snack time Mrs Marston and Miss Haynes

2.50-3.05 – Monster Phonics

3.05-3.20 -Story and Book talk.

3.20-3.30 – Children to prepare for home time and goodbyes

Additional Information

Before your child starts Pre-School we invite you to visit and complete a care plan together with your child. This will allow staff to gain knowledge of your child their individual likes/dislikes and what they enjoy doing at home which will help them settle into Pre-school.

Each child has a keyworker within the room and you will be informed of who this is soon after your child starts.

We have half termly parent’s afternoons, where you are invited to come into school and see how your child learns. We will let you know when these are.

We encourage children to have access to water throughout the day as this is proven to increase concentration. Please send your child into Pre-school with a named water bottle as this goes onto our drink station. Squash is not allowed in their drinking bottles.

We do ask that all of your child’s belongings are named such as cardigans/jumpers and coats.