West Hill Primary School

  Welcome to Ants class! 


Here is a list of current practitioners in the room: 

Mrs Miles- Early Years Practitioner Mrs Mayo- Early Years Practitioner & Communication and Language Lead
Miss Cobley- Early Years Practitioner
All staff are available at the start and end of children’s session to talk to and discuss any requirements. 
Curriculum Overview for Parents - Once Upon A Time 
Ants Class is the 2-year-old room within our pre-school. We work on a 1 (staff member) to 4 (Children) ratio, and this allows us to monitor the children whilst also allowing them to become independent learners. Each child has a Key Person to whom both child(ren) and parents/carers can feel confident to talk to and be with. We find this also helps build stronger bonds for the children and their teachers, excelling their learning further and supporting them in reaching their full potential.

 In Ants Class

In Ants Class we focus on the Prime Areas of Learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS), as well as exploring the specific areas, as the children investigate their interests and build their skills as they grow closer to achieving their next steps. The Prime Areas include Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Communication and Language (C&L) and Moving and Handling (MH). The specific areas include Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. We believe that if a child is exposed to these areas of learning through activities and play that they show interest in and enjoy, then they will be able to develop as young, excitable, and confident learners, as they are able to better retain information and develop new knowledge. We look at creating a welcoming and comfortable environment where both children and parents/carers feel happy and safe.

We work with parents/carers closely, and through a form we use called "All About Me", we discuss with parents/carers what their child(ren) enjoys playing with, what they are good at, and what skills they would like their child(ren) to work towards. This information then assists us when we create next steps for our children, and plan activities based around their interests, to help them achieve their next steps over time. We understand each child is different and will learn in different ways to their peers; this is something we will always take into consideration.

How we learn

In Ants Classroom we have a working wall, cleverly named "Ants at work!". There are several Ants on this wall, and each has a photo of a child's face on it, where their beautiful work is placed around them. These are there to help show off the children’s wonderful work as well as give them a sense of pride when they see it displayed for all to see. The children can choose what work goes onto the boards and they are often very proud of what they have created, and these creations can include mark making with different materials, collaging, or even photos of a wonderful tower they had made and couldn't wait to show their teachers and peers.

Each day, there are planned activities specifically tailored to the children who are in that day. These activities are sometimes independent activities, carried out during free flow, or a group activity, carried out during our group learning time. These activities are always planned with the children's interests in mind, and we have found the children are achieving their next steps at a quicker pace, meaning they are blossoming before our very eyes.

As we stated before, all children are different and some will naturally learn at a slower pace than others which we always take into consideration, and if the child's key person feels they are not quite ready to achieve that next step, then they will create a new next step, and come back to the previous one at a later date.

Our Daily Routine

8:45-9am – Meet and greet children and their families - children explore provision

9am-9:10 - Family group and well-being check

9:10-9.40am- Continuous provision indoors/ Independent learning and Child learning

9.40 - 9.50 - Tidy up music

9.50-10.10 – Explore gross motor equipment and physical well being

10.10-10.20-Story and Nursery Rhyme Focus session.

10:20-10.50 - Child outdoor provision/ independent and child learning

10:50-11am -Tidy up time outdoors.

11-11.15am - Snack time

11.15-11.35 - Musical Movement/Story time and intimate care

11.35-11.45 - Goodbye song – children prepare for home time/lunch time

11.45-12.30 – Lunch time

12.30-12.45 – Meet and greet children and their families - children explore provision

12.45- 1pm - Family group and well-being check

1pm – 1.40 - Continuous provision indoors/ Independent learning and Child learning

1.40 - 1.50 - Tidy up music

1.50-2.10 – Explore gross motor equipment and physical well being

2.10-2.20-Story and Nursery Rhyme Focus session.

2:20-2.50 - Child outdoor provision/ independent and child learning

2.50-3pm -Tidy up time outdoors.

3pm-3.15 - Snack time

3.15-3.25 - Musical Movement/Story time and intimate care

3.25-3.30 - Goodbye song – children prepare for home time