West Hill Primary School

Loudmouth Productions Visit Year 5





Year Five welcomed Loudmouth to West Hill School this week.

Loudmouth supported our PSHE and Safeguarding Curriculum and educated the pupils about staying safe, both on and off line, through theatre production activities and a workshop.

Using the NSPCC’s PANTS rule as the central theme, the Safe Team taught the children about safe and unsafe secrets and body contact, as well as recognising the feelings that may occur when you feel unsafe.  The programme explored difficult topics such as Domestic Abuse and child sexual exploitation in a safe and gentle way.

Judging by the smiles and concentration on pupils’ faces, they thoroughly enjoyed the event and learned lots to keep themselves safe. 


Ask them about PANTS tonight. 

Privates are private

Always remember, your body belongs to you

No means no

Talk about secrets that upset you

Speak up, someone can help


Can they tell you the Child-line free phone number?  0800 1111

Loudmouth Year 5