Special Educational Needs & Disability 
At West Hill, we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve their very best at school, be that academically, socially, emotionally, physically or in regard to behaviour and self-regulation. In order to ensure that all pupils achieve well, a Quality First Teaching approach is vital. For some pupils, they may require ‘additional to or different from’ in regard to provisions of support. Where pupils require a higher level of additional support, this may mean that they have a Special Educational Need. All teachers have responsibility for the teaching and learning of all pupils in their care, including those with SEND. Teachers are supported by the SENCo Mrs Seager in providing additional support both within school and as part of a wider community approach which may involve outside agencies. If you have concerns about your child’s achievement or progress please make contact with their class teacher in the first instance; following which Mrs Seager may become involved in order to identify and further support any SEND needs.
Please see our SEND Padlet which includes all of our SEND information and approaches.
The padlet also includes many resources and links which parents may find especially useful.
SEND (padlet.com)
We are continually looking to improve our services to parents; if you have information which you feel other parents may benefit from being shared within our padlet, please make contact with Mrs Seager.
Mrs Seager can be contact via the school office or via email: cseager@westhill.staffs.sch.uk