West Hill Primary School

Forest Schools 



Introducing Forest Schools:
Forest school is an outdoor based setting that allows your children to explore and learn at their own pace. (Miss Blackburn is Forest Leader Level 3 qualified.)
Play and choice is a vital aspect of learning and development which is underpinned by the natural curiosities of a child exploring our natural world.  Forest school supports positive mental health, physical development and improves social skills. Children are taught how to take risks safely and encouraged to be independent learners. 
Not all classrooms have four walls, some have dirt, sticks and clouds.  

We are always busy at forest schools. We  regularly explore our forest school area, climb trees, use the assault course, hammock and swing.

We make our own magic potions, learn about fire safety and make our own smores on an open fire. Additionally we have even had a go at wood carving, making our own magic wands!  

Take a look at Miss Blackburn, our Forest School Leader, talking about outdoor learning at West Hill Primary School in our beautiful new outdoor classroom which was created, along with the new and improved forest school by School Outdoor Learning - SOuL School Outdoor Learning - SOuL:

Miss Blackburn In Conversation with 'Pete' About our Outdoor Learning Classroom


 The Hens of West Hill


They are:

Miss Henny Penny, Dame Edna, Lady Ayda and Madam Yolko.


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