West Hill Primary School

Curriculum Intent (Information)




For further details on the Curriculum here at West Hill Primary, please contact:


Our curriculum aims to:

Our aim is to provide our children with an exciting, engaging and empowering curriculum that prepares them for today and tomorrow.

At West Hill Primary School, the curriculum is designed to: meet the needs of our children and families, recognise children’s prior learning and provide firsthand learning experiences that open the world to them allowing them to explore, discover and dream.

We offer children an excellent education in a safe, happy and nurturing environment. Every child is valued as a unique individual. Our team of dedicated educators are called upon to develop confident, happy, resilient, and enthusiastic youngsters who aim high and who are ready to influence the world. We want our pupils to be inspired by what they learn in order to develop wings to fly as global citizens.

At West Hill our values permeate all areas of school life and are reflected by the school’s motto: Respect, Learn, Achieve

We use the national curriculum guidelines to develop the knowledge content of the curriculum, but our aim is to make the curriculum relevant and exciting to our children, with purposeful outcomes that they care about achieving. Children have a THIRST for learning at West Hill and are actively encouraged to pursue their own interests and reach their true, full potential. We support and guide our children on their journey and encourage them to be creative, unique, open-minded and independent individuals, respectful of themselves and of others in our school, our local community and the wider world.

To ensure that pupils gain knowledge and skills across all subjects we follow detailed coordinated planning across each year group, which ensures full curriculum coverage. We also offer our children a wide range of educational visits and visitors to enhance our curriculum.


 At West Hill Primary School, we want our children to:

 Leave the school with the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners. 

Be aspirational, to aim high and challenge themselves to achieve great things in the future.

Experience a rich curriculum that has skills, knowledge and vocabulary at the heart of their learning.      

Experience a curriculum that gives them the opportunities to develop and embed basic skills and delve deeper into their learning, building on skills progressively each year.

Share their learning with each other, their families and the wider community and to learn from others.

To have high standards of achievement in all areas of life – moral, spiritual, social and academic.    

Experience a curriculum that helps children to know how to live healthy lifestyles – both physically and mentally.   

Show respect for, and understanding of, other people and the environment, within the school, the home and the wider world.

Be prepared for life in modern Britain, understanding  the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. 

Please click on the links below for further information:

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

School Curriculum Map

Curriculum & Subject Policies Link