West Hill Primary School






























Year 3 - 3B

Below is a link to our Transition leaflet:

  Drop off point:
Main school gate (on
Mcghie Street).

Collection point:
KS2 playground (the one with yellow goal posts) via
the main school gate.


Mrs Baxter - Class Teacher

Mrs Marsh - Teaching Assistant

Mr Simpson - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hawkins - Teaching Assistant


Please click on the following:

School Uniform and Equipment

Children are expected to wear a black/grey skirt or trousers, a white shirt, a tie in school colours, a blue jumper or cardigan and sensible black shoes. Please ensure your child’s clothing is clearly labelled with their name in order to prevent loss. Your child should not attend school wearing make up, nail polish or jewellery (with the exception of stud earrings and a standard watch). 

PE Information

PE lessons will take place twice a week. In order to provide your child with a full and
varied curriculum, these lessons may take place either indoors or outdoors.
Therefore, your child will need kit appropriate to all weather types. Please provide
your child with plimsolls or trainers, jogging bottoms, shorts, a white or house coloured
t shirt and a jumper. PE kit should stay in school as we may have additional PE lessons
throughout the week.

Children with shoulder length hair or longer will be asked to tie their hair up. If your
child has earrings, they will be required to remove them themselves for PE. 

Home Learning activities

 Each week your child will be provided with two home learning activities Maths and
English to complete at home. Home learning activities will be sent home on
Wednesdays and will need to be returned on the following Monday

Additional Information

 Your child may also need a waterproof coat, a purse/wallet and a bag to bring their
lunch, home learning activities and reading diaries in. Please do not allow your child
to bring any unnecessary items such as toys.
Children in KS2 will have access to tuck at break times, where they may purchase a
snack and/or drink.