West Hill Primary School


For more information about Safeguarding, including information on Online Safety please take a look at our Safeguarding Padlet below. Included is lots of information for parents giving tips and hints for keeping your child safe online when using apps. Please remember that many apps have age restrictions and we would always recommend that children only have access to apps which are age appropriate and that all electronic devices are monitored regularly by parents.  

Safeguarding (padlet.com)

Designate Safeguard Lead is: Miss K Bracebridge

Miss Bracebridge

Deputy Designate  Safeguarding Leads are: Mrs C Seager & Miss Lloyd

Mrs C Seager

Miss Lloyd

Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding is: Mr Tom Truby

 PREVENT Leaders in School:  Miss K Bracebridge

Please click on the link below to view our full Safeguarding Policy:Safeguarding Policy